

ZithaAktiv, Centre de la mémoire et de la mobilité, est soucieux de vous proposer en tant que participant un programme de haute qualité


C’est la raison pour laquelle ZithaAktiv vérifie l’utilité de ses programmes d’entraînement au moyen d’études scientifiques continues. Les informations récoltées alimentent la réélaboration des programmes, et profitent ainsi continuellement aux participants.

En sus, l’équipe de recherche de ZithaAktiv travaille sur d’autres domaines, tous liés au troisième âge. ZithaAktiv s’illustre régulièrement par des présentations lors de congrès médicaux internationaux ayant trait à la gérontologie et à la gériatrie.

ZithaAktiv est, par ailleurs, membre à part entière du consortium de recherche international BIOMATHICS. Le consortium s’est fixé comme objectif d’examiner le bien-être et la qualité de vie des seniors sur une base continue et à un niveau international. Le consortium a été fondé sur l’initiative du service de gériatrie du centre hospitalier universitaire d’Angers (France) et est constitué de membres des Etats suivants : France, Suisse, Belgique, Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, USA, Canada, Israël et Australie. Pour finir, ZithaAktiv échange en permanence avec plusieurs partenaires de recherche nationaux et internationaux.

Une sélection de publications de ZithaAktiv

Projets de Post-Doc

PROCHEAL – Towards the promotion of cognitive health among older people: a mixed methods research of people aged 65+ years in Luxembourg, Dr Mathilde BARBIER – 10/2020 – 10/2022

MEDITAGING – Mindfulness training on aging : the effects of mindfulness based-stress reduction in older Portuguese immigrants residing in Luxembourg, Dr Ana Carolina TEXEIRA SANTOS – 07/2021 – 07/2023

Articles de revue

Teixeira-Santos, A. C., Gomes, L., Pereira, D. R., Ribeiro, F., Silva-Fernandes A., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P., Leist, A. K. (2023). The MEDITAGING Study: Protocol of a two-armed randomized controlled study to compare the effects of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program against a health promotion program in older migrants in Luxembourg. BMC Public Health 23, 2470,

Dierick, F., Bouché, A.-F., Guérin, S., Steinmetz, J.-P., Federspiel, C., Barvaux, V. & Buisseret, F. (2022). Quasi-experimental pilot study to improve mobility and balance in recurrently falling nursing home residents by voluntary non-targeted side-stepping exercise intervention. BMC Geriatrics 22, 1006, DOI:

Barbier, M., Schulte, C., Kornadt, A., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Vögele, C. (2021). Using social marketing for the promotion of cognitive health: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, DOI:

Beauchet, O., Blumen, H. M., Callisaya, M. L., De Cock, A.-M., Kressig, R. W., Srikanth, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., Verghese, J., & Allali, G. (2018). Spatio-temporal gait characteristics associated with cognitive impairment: A multicenter cross-sectional study, the intercontinental “Gait, cOgnitiOn & Decline” initiative. Current Alzheimer Research, DOI:

Beauchet, O., Allali, G., Sekhon, H., Verghese, J., Guillain, S., Steinmetz, J-P., Kressig, R.W., Barden, J.M., Szturm, T., Launay, C.P., Grenier, S., Bherer, L., Ambrose, T.-L., Chester, V.L., Callisaya, M.-L., Srikanth, V., Léonard, G., De Cock, A.-M., Sawa, R., Duque, G., Camicioli, R., Helbostad, J.L. (2017). Guidelines for assessment of gait and reference values for spatiotemporal gait parameters in older adults: The Biomathics and Canadian Gait Consortiums initiative. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, DOI:

Schuller, A.-M., Matuszewski, V., Santos, P., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). Recommendations for the neuropsychological assessment supporting the diagnosis of dementia in the Luxembourgish context (NP-DiaDem). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Médicales, 2/17.

Allali, G., Launay, C. P., Blumen, H. M., Callisaya, M. L., De Cock, A.-M., Kressig, R. W., Srikanth, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., Verghese, J., & Beauchet, O. (2017). Falls, cognitive impairment and gait performance: Results from the GOOD initiative. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. DOI:

Silva, N.M., Rudek, M., Canciglieri Jr. O., Manffra, E.F. Carvalho, D., Bichinho, G., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2016). A method for automated gait pattern classification. Transdisciplinary Engineering: Crossing Boundaries. DOI:

Steinmetz, J.-P., Vögele, C., Theisen-Flies, C., Federspiel, C., & Sütterlin, S. (2016). The relationship between emotion regulation capacity, heart rate variability and quality of life in individuals with alcohol related brain damage. Psychology Research and Behavioral Management. DOI:

Steinmetz, J.-P. (2016). Physical and cognitive activities have the potential to prevent age-associated deficits. angewandte Forschung, 3.

Beauchet, O., Blumen, H. M., Callisaya, M., De Cock, A.-M., Kressig, R., Srikanth, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., Annweiler, C. & Allali, G., (2016). Times are changing; researchers need to change too. European Journal of Neurology. DOI:

Beauchet, O. Annweiler, C., Callisaya, M., De Cock, A.-M., Helbostad, J.L., Kressig, R., Srikanth, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., Blumen, H. M., Verghese, J., & Allali, G., (2016). Poor gait performance and prediction of dementia: Results from a meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. DOI:

Cornu, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Federspiel, C. (2016). Deficits in selective attention alter gait in frail older adults. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 29(1). DOI:

Allali, G., Annweiler, C., Blumen, H. M., Callisaya, M. L., De Cock, A.-M., Kressig, R. W., Srikanth, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., Verghese, J., & Beauchet, O. (2015). Gait phenotype from mild cognitive impairment to moderate dementia: Results from the GOOD initiative. European Journal of Neurology. DOI:

Steinmetz, J.-P., Schrauf, J., Ferring, D., & Federspiel, C. (2015). O-066: Profiling of geriatric patients by using a comprehensive geriatric assessment. European Geriatric Medicine, 6, Supplement 1, S24.

Frisch, P., Steinmetz, J.-P., Bourkel, E., Frantzen, L., Theisen-Flies, C., & Federspiel, C. (2015). P-452: Depression and pain: Prevalence, medication and comorbidity in long-term care residents. European Geriatric Medicine, 6, Supplement 1, S153.

Rudek, M., Silva, N. M., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Jahnen, A. (2015). A data-mining based method for the gait pattern analysis. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 13(3), 205–215. (

Silva, N.M., Rudek, M., Canciglieri Jr. O., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Jahnen, A. (2015). Proposta de um método de análise de marcha baseado em informações de sensores tácteis. (Proposal of a gait analysis method based on pressure sensors.) Sodrebas – Soluções para o desenvolvimento do país, 10(116), 188-192.

Steinmetz, J.-P., Theisen-Flies, C., & Federspiel, C. (2014). Views on quality of life differ between alcohol related brain damaged individuals and their healthcare professionals. Applied Research in Quality of Life. DOI

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2014). The effects of cognitive training on gait speed and gait variability in old adults: Findings from a pilot study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. DOI

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2012). Alcohol related cognitive and affective impairments in a sample of long term care residents. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 25(2), 83-95.

Présentations orales


Steinmetz, J.-P. (2015). Spezialisierte Langzeitbetreuung von mehrfachbeeinträchtigten Abhängigkeitskranken. European Congress, Sucht im Alter: Perspektiven für alternde Süchtige, June 11-12, Luxembourg.

Steinmetz, J.-P. (2014) Gait analysis in old adults, Oslo and Akerhuis University College of Applied Sciences, September 11, Oslo, Norway.


Steinmetz, J.P. (2018). Est-ce que l’altération des performances de la marche prédit les troubles neurocognitifs majeurs? Résultats d’une revue systématique couplée à une métaanalyse. Oral presentation at the 11ème Congrès International Francophone de Gérontologie et Gériatrie, June 13-15, Montreux, Switzerland.

Bourkel, E., Federspiel, C., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2018). L’influence des entraînements de la cognition et de la mobilité sur la performance de marche des personnes âgées.

Steinmetz, J.-P., Ferring, D., & Federspiel, C. (2015). Profiling of geriatric patients by using a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Oral presentation at the 11th EUGMS Congress, September 16-18, Oslo, Norway.

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2015). Primär- und Sekundärprävention von/bei altersbedingten gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen: Das „Centre de la Mémoire et de la Mobilité Michel Rodange“. Oral presentation at séance des communications courtes of the Société des Sciences médicales du Grand-duché de Luxembourg, March 26, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), Luxembourg.

Steinmetz, J.-P., Theisen-Flies, C., Vögele, C., Federspiel, C., & Sütterlin, S. (2014). Vagal mediierte Herzratenvariabilität als physiologisches Korrelat der Lebensqualität von Patienten mit weitreichenden alkoholinduzierten Hirnschädigungen. Oral presentation at séance des communications courtes of the Société des Sciences médicales du Grand-duché de Luxembourg, May 19, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), Luxembourg.

Cornu, V., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2014). Zusammenhang zwischen Gang und selektiver Aufmerksamkeit im Alter. Oral presentation at séance des communications courtes of the Société des Sciences médicales du Grand-duché de Luxembourg, May 19, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), Luxembourg.

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2013). The effect of cognitive training on gait: A controlled trial study in the oldest old. Oral presentation at the 20th IAGG World Congress, June 23rd – 27th, Seoul, Korea.

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2013). Effects of a 6-week cognitive training program on gait velocity and gait stability: A pilot study in the oldest old. Oral presentation at séance des communications courtes of the Société des Sciences médicales du Grand-duché de Luxembourg, April 24, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), Luxembourg.

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2012). Kognitive und affektive Beeinträchtigungen einer langzeitbetreuten cmA Stichprobe in Luxemburg. Oral presentation at the 25. Kongress des Fachverbandes SUCHT e.V., June 18th – 20th, Heidelberg, Germany

Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2012). Alcohol related cognitive and affective impairments in a sample of long-term care residents. Oral presentation at the 21stNordic Congress of Gerontology, June 10th – 13th, Copenhagen, Denmark

Présentations par affiche

Texeira-Santos, A. C., Pereira, D. R., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Leist, A. (2022). A mini-review of the effects of the mindfulness-based interventions in cognitive measures in older adults. Poster presentation at the 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (NKG), Odense, Denmark.

Barbier, M., Kornadt, A.E., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Vögele, C. (2021). Staying sharp beyond the age of 65 years: A social marketing approach to the promotion of cognitive health in Luxembourg. Poster presentation at the 14th edition of Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD), Boston, USA.

Barbier, M., Kornadt, A.E., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Vögele, C. (2021). Staying sharp beyond the age of 65 years: A social marketing approach to the promotion of cognitive health in Luxembourg. Poster presentation at the 17th EUGMS Congress, Athens, Greece.

Barbier, M., Bourkel, E., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Federspiel, C. (2020). Towards the promotion of cognitive health among older people aged 65+ years: An exploratory study in Luxembourg. Poster presentation at the 16th EUGMS e-Congress.

Bourkel, E., Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2018). Der Einfluss von kognitivem und motorischem Training auf die Gangleistung älterer Menschen. Poster presentation at the Geriatrie und Gerontologie Kongress, Köln, Germany.

Bourkel, E., Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2018). Profiles of elderly people participating in prevention programmes of the ‘Centre for memory and mobility’ in Luxembourg. Poster presentation at the 14th EUGMS Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Federspiel, C., Bourkel, E. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). The influence of mobility and cognitive training programmes on gait performance among cognitively healthy elderly people and people with MCI. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, 4(4), 386. Retrieved from

Bourkel, E., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2017, November). L’influence d’un entraînement de la cognition et de la mobilité sur les capacités cognitives des personnes âgées. Poster presented at 37ièmes Journées annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie & Gérontologie, Paris, France.

Bourkel, E., Hubsch, G., Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). The influence of cognitive and mobility training programmes on cognitive functioning among healthy elderly people and people with MCI. Poster presentations, European Geriatric Medicine, 8(Supplement 1), 40-247. doi: 10.1016/S1878

Bourkel, E., Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). The ʺCentre for Memory and Mobilityʺ in Luxembourg – A comprehensive approach to prevent age-associated memory and mobility declines. Poster presentations, European Geriatric Medicine, 8 (Supplement 1), 40-247. doi: 10.1016/S1878

Bourkel, E., Federspiel, C., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). The ʻCentre for Memory and Mobilityʼ in Luxembourg – A comprehensive approach to prevent age-associated memory and mobility declines. Poster presentation at the 13th EUGMS Congress, Nice, France.

Bourkel, E., Hubsch, G., Federspiel, C., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2017). The influence of cognitive and mobility training programmes on cognitive functioning among healthy elderly people and people with MCI. Poster presentation at the 13th EUGMS Congress, Nice, France.

Federspiel, C., Bourkel, E., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2016). The influence of a short cognitive and mobility training program on cognitive performance among the « young-old » and the « old-old ». Poster presentation at Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease, December 8-10, San Diego, USA.

Bourkel, E., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2016). L’influence d’un entraînement de la cognition et de la mobilité sur les capacités. Poster presentation at the 36èmes Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie, November 21-23, Paris, France.

Bourkel, E., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Federspiel, C. (2016). The influence of a short cognitive and mobility training program on cognitive functioning among elderly people. Poster presentation at the 12th EUGMS Congress, October 5-7, Lissabon, Portugal.

Rudek, M., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Jahnen, A. (2015). A method of gait pattern visualization based on displacement measurement of distributed centres of pressure. Poster presentation at the 11th EUGMS Congress, September 16-18, Oslo, Norway.

Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2015). Nouvelle méthode pour la détermination des besoins requis d’un patient dépendant au Luxembourg. Poster presentation at the 35èmes Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie, Octobre 21-23, Paris, France.

Steinmetz, J.-P., Theisen-Flies, C., Vögele, C., Federspiel, C., & Sütterlin, S. (2014). Heart rate variability as a potential measure for quality of life in elderly patients with wide spread alcohol related impairments: A pilot study. Poster at the 22nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, May 26-28, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2014). Caractéristiques du grand vieillard fragile hospitalisé en urgence. Poster at the 10th CIFGG, May 14-16, Liège, Belgium.

Federspiel, C., Bracker, H., & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2014). L’organisation des activités de soutien pour les personnes âgées démentes en long séjour. Poster at the 10th CIFGG, May 14-16, Liège, Belgium.

Cornu, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Federspiel, C. (2014). Marche et attention selective chez les personnes âgées. Poster at the 10th CIFGG, May 14-16, Liège, Belgium.

Cornu, V., Steinmetz, J.-P., & Federspiel, C. (2014). Effets d’un entraînement cognitif sur la marche chez les personnes âgées. Poster at the 10th CIFGG, May 14-16, Liège, Belgium.

Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.P. (2013). Profiling the geriatric patient: Implications for future pathways of patient-centred care in geriatrics. Poster at the 9th Congress of the EUGMS, October 2-4, Venice, Italy.

Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.P. (2013). Profiles of geriatric patients in a community hospital: A pilot project of an individualized case management system among 80 year olds and older. Poster at the 20th IAGG World Congress, June 23rd – 27th, Seoul, Korea.

Steinmetz, J.P., Theisen-Flies, C., & Federspiel, C. (2013). Quality of life in alcohol related brain damaged individuals: What a good-tempered, socially integrated and highly efficient group of older adults … or maybe not? Poster at the 20th IAGG World Congress, June 23rd – 27th, Seoul, Korea.

Chapitres de livres

Steinmetz, J.-P., & Bourkel, E. (2018). Clinico-instrumental evaluation of elderly patients during rehabilitation. In: Masiero, S. & Carraro, U. (Eds.) Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients, Practical Issues in Geriatrics, Springer, DOI: 0.1007/978-3-319-57406-6_23

Federspiel, C. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2018). Motivation and rehabilitation in older patients. In: Masiero, S. & Carraro, U. (Eds.) Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients, Practical Issues in Geriatrics, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57406-6_7

Silva, N., Rudek, M., Canciglieri Jr., O., Manfra, e. F., Carvalho, D., Bichinho, G., Steinmetz, J.-P. (2016). A method for automated gait pattern classification. In Borsato M., Nel Wognum, N., Peruzzini, M., Stjepandić, J., Verhagen, W. J. C. (Eds.). Transdisciplinary Engineering: Crossing Boundaries (Vol. 4). IOS Press, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-703-0-553

Hoffmann, M. & Steinmetz, J.-P. (2014). Psychogerontologie. In Steffgen, G., Michaux, G., & Ferring, D. (Eds.). Psychologie in Luxemburg: Ein Handbuch. Luxembourg: Editions Binsfeld.

Projets doctoraux

DIGITRACK – Digital Geriatric Health Tracker : Optimizing Health Quality Scoring Trough Patient-Reported Outcomes, Kinematics and Clinical Assessments, Alan Castro MEIJA, MD

Projet de recherche doctoral, sur 3 ans. But : Développement des méthodes adaptées pour mieux évaluer la santé fonctionnelle du patient gériatrique

En collaboration avec Prof. Dr. Jochen KLUCKEN, University of Luxembourg,

Période : 10/2023-09/2026


MEDITAGING – Mindfulness training on aging : the effects of mindfulness based-stress reduction in older Portuguese immigrants residing in Luxembourg, Dr Ana Carolina TEXEIRA SANTOS

Projet de recherche post-doctoral sur 2 ans, quantitatif et qualitatif, conduit exclusivement au Luxembourg. But : évaluer la faisabilité et les effets du programme MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) sur la cognition et le niveau de stress dans une population âgée de lusophones au Luxembourg.

En collaboration avec Prof. Dr. Anja LEIST, University of Luxembourg,

Période : 07/2021 – 07/2023


PROCHEAL – Towards the promotion of cognitive health among older people: a mixed methods research of people aged 65+ years in Luxembourg, Dr Mathilde BARBIER

Projet de recherche post-doctoral sur 2 ans, quantitatif et qualitatif, conduit exclusivement au Luxembourg. Buts: (1) évaluer la participation des personnes de 65 ans et plus à la promotion de leur santé cognitive, (2) proposer des voies d’optimisation et de développement des interventions en promotion de la santé cognitive adaptées aux personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus.

En collaboration avec Prof. Dr. Claus VÖGELE, University of Luxembourg,

Période : 10/2020 – 10/2022